Refresca y mejora tus conocimientos de enseñanza
No disponible en 2022. Lo sentimos
Estos cursos, de una o dos semanas de duración, son una excelente oportunidad para ampliar y refrescar conocimientos y al mismo tiempo practicar el inglés.
Los cursos y fechas en Dublín son:
March 27th | March 31st | CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)– approaches, methodologies & best practice | |
March 27th | March 31st | ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in ELT | |
March 27th | March 31st | Teacher refresher course | |
May 15th | May 19th | CLIL – approaches, methodologies & best practice | |
May 15th | May 19th | ICT in ELT | |
May 15th | May 19th | Teacher refresher course | |
June 26th | July 7th* | CLIL – approaches, methodologies & best practice | |
June 26th | July 7th* | ICT in ELT | |
June 26th | July 7th* | Teacher refresher course | |
October 2nd | October 6th | CLIL – approaches, methodologies & best practice | |
October 2nd | October 6th | ICT in ELT | |
October 2nd | October 6th | Teacher refresher course |
*curso 2 semanas
-Necesario para realizar estos cursos nivel B1++/B2 o superior.
Precio: 480€ semana. Curso 2 semanas: 920€ (alojamiento y vuelos no incluidos).
Plazas limitadas.
Los cursos y fechas en Cork :
3rd July -14th July 2017
17th July – 28th July 2017
31st July – 11th August 2017
-Teacher refresher course CLIL
-25 horas semanales.
-Acceso a una plataforma e-learning durante 3 meses.
Precio: 750€ (dos semanas. Alojamiento y vuelos no incluidos)